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Love Quotes





版本需求:Android 3.0 以上版本


Love Quotes(圖1)-速報App

Love Quotes is a lovely application, it's collection of about amazing love quotes, sweet love quotes, Interesting love quotes, Love tips, Dating Tip, Life Qoutes,God Quotes,Relationships Quotes,Happiness Quotes.

You can send a really romantic qoutes to her or him, or update your social network status with a romantic qoutes.

It's more than of 18000 greats Qoutes and easy to use.it will improve your relationship with her/him and your friends.

****************Categories of Love Quotes****************

Love Quotes(圖2)-速報App

☆ Dating Tips

☆ Dirty Quotes

☆ Flirting Quotes

☆ Friendship Quotes

Love Quotes(圖3)-速報App

☆ Love Quotes

☆ Love Tips

☆ Morning Quotes

☆ Night Quotes

Love Quotes(圖4)-速報App

☆ Romantic Ideas

☆ Romance Quotes

☆ Sad Quotes

☆ Life Qoutes

Love Quotes(圖5)-速報App

☆ God Quotes

☆ Relationships Quotes

☆ Happiness Quotes

*********Features of Love Quotes Application*********

Love Quotes(圖6)-速報App

☆ More than 18000 free of Love Quotes .

☆ Beautifully organized categories

☆ Bookmark your favorite Quotes

☆ Add Quotes to the favorite list

Love Quotes(圖7)-速報App

☆ Copy Quotes content to send in to SMS

☆ Share Quotes content in Social Network as Facebook, Twitwer...

☆ Share content in Social Network as Facebook, Twitwer...

*********Key Word to seach Application*********

Love Quotes(圖8)-速報App

Love Qoutes, Love Message, Love SMS,